Uniform: Why You Need One

With the digital age at large, we’re constantly bombarded with what seems like a plethora of options when it comes to creating our wardrobes. Many of us have even fallen victim to the sway of “OOTD” influencers, the countless “GRWM” videos, and especially the honorable mention — TikTok. With access to infinite variations of design, one could also argue that it’s never been harder to cultivate genuine personal style. Whether the mania of experiencing a wide array of flair mostly influenced by others is an inherent cause of social media is up for discussion. Really, we’d like to help you own your wardrobe and the best way to do that is by convincing you to create a personal uniform.

LIFESTYLE: It’s best not to think of a uniform as something that is worn to be socially acceptable despite it being used for that purpose by many. Instead, it should be thought of as a way to not only show up for the rest of the world, but for yourself. Depending on the guidelines you set for it, a good uniform has the power to fully customize how your character is portrayed. It’s a tool that enables you to assert your lifestyle. When you clarify what your manner of living is through wardrobe, you declare how society is to interact with you. Allowing what you wear to be a direct reflection of your interests, opinions, etc… results in unrelenting integrity, which puts you closer to yourself.

FUNCTIONALITY: If you were a surgeon, you wouldn’t perform surgery in a clown suit. The reasons for that are simple. For one, that’s likely illegal. Second, it’s beyond impractical. A quality uniform enables you to carry out your daily duties with as much ease as possible. It’s not enough for clothing to look good. It must also work. Keep in mind that aesthetics matched with functionality is what some brands sell you, hence their price points. Function should be directly correlated to the value of your clothing and is one of the main things to consider when building a new closet. 

DECISION FATIGUE: No one likes having to try on a million outfits before they find the right one just to head to the corner store. Nor does anyone like to witness someone have a breakdown because they can’t find something to wear before an outing. Give yourself the luxury of limiting the decisions you have to make. This includes what you wear on a daily basis. By establishing a uniform, you avoid the possibility of unnecessarily depleting your energy. You’ll be thanking yourself once you can focus on the tasks and responsibilities that not finding something to wear was distracting you from. The pile of clothes you come home to after trying to find the right shirt should no longer exist once you decide to assemble a set of uniforms that satisfy your needs.

COST: There’s a possibility that the uniform you decide to invest in won’t appear cheap to start. The key thing to consider is that it is an investment. One that we promise has a high rate of return. Choosing a select amount of garments to be your armor in this life will run you less money than a lifetime of buying cheap pieces you constantly find yourself replacing. By no means are we suggesting that a virtuous uniform needs to be expensive, however, sometimes you really do get what you pay for. It’s vital to be aware of pricing and how it correlates to the amount of wear the garment can offer. If you are serious about creating a concrete get-up, you’ll more than likely want to run, not walk away from fast fashion retailers.

BELONGING: If applicable, your uniform should “rep your set”. Gang affiliations aside, your ensemble of clothing should represent the community you belong to. For instance, if you skate, the garments you wear should pay tribute to that modality. There’s much talk about subculture being dead due to the internet making onlookers feel as though they can participate in all styles of dress without walking that life path. Randoms wearing clothing that doesn’t align with their culture, invalidates and negates the individuals who have strategically pioneered said styles. Rightfully so, gatekeeping preserves a way of life. The attire associated with the culture you claim should contribute to feelings of inclusion and uniform is exactly what helps you pledge allegiance to your identity.

INDIVIDUALISM: Much of the stigma surrounding uniforms comes from those who have felt like their self-expression has been compromised. This can commonly be seen with scholars, who are forced to wear ill-fitting clothes against their will early on. While that type of uniform is not what we necessarily condone, the way to truly test your individualism is to take what you’ve been given and make it yours. That’s what real style is. If it wasn’t obvious, the world around you is constantly trying to tell you how you should and shouldn’t dress. It is a privilege to be able to make informed decisions about what you want to wear. Forming your own array of garbs that define you, furthers your creativity and is a great stride in allowing yourself to stand out and exist on your own stylistic terms.


1. Assess and identify your lifestyle (or the one you aspire to have)

2. Learn about what people of your lifestyle wear 

3. Research brands that align with your lifestyle

4. Select high-quality basics that resonate with you and encompass the seasons in your area